(詠嘆)語幹+더라、(一回限りの過去)語幹+던、(過去の状態や習慣)語幹+았/었던、(伝聞)다, 라, 자などの語尾+더라

語幹+더라 詠嘆 〜だなあ。 일본 여름은 생각보다 덥더라. 日本の夏は思ったより暑かったなあ。 語幹+던 過去一回限りの過去の動作を表す動詞の連体形。〜した 이게 내가 첫번째 일본에서 묵던 호텔이야! これが私が初めて日本に来た時、泊まったホテルだよ…

-더라, -던, 았/었던, -다더라, -아/어라더라, -자더라

word stem+더라 word-ending to report what you have recently seen or heard how something is or somebody doing something. 일본의 여름은 생각보다 덥더라. It was hotter in Japan than I had expected. 금방 밖부터 돌아왔는데 매우 덥더라! I've jus…




問2 Some people around me claimed that they have seen ghosts. However, any clear ( )that they actually exist has not been found. ①courage ②confirmation ③ sorrow ④consequence ⑤divination お化けを見たことがあるという人もいる。しかし、それが…


福岡県教員採用試験教職教養の解答速報 1②2④3②4①5④6③7③8④9②10②11②12④13④14②15③16④17③18③19②20①21④22④23②24①25①26④27②28④29③30② 高校が第一志望の私の得点 18/25 〇×クイズの×の部分の正答 問8 ア. 情報活用能力 イ. EdTech Fintechとは、Finance(金融)とT…

will openもwill be openingも予定や予想を表す場合は、同じ意味!ただし二人称の未来進行形は相手に影響を与えず、相手の予定を尋ねる時に用いられる。

助動詞willには、主語が一人称(I, weで表せるもの)の時、今話しながら決めた意志を表す。「〜するぞ!」 (1) I will go to bed early tonight. 今夜は早く寝るぞ! willは、主語が二人称や三人称の時、予想を表す。「〜だろう」 (2) You played a lot today!…

will / be going toの選び方

一人称叙述文 will 今自分ですると決めたことIn the 1st person descriptive, ‘will’ means your determination you’ve made on the spot. I will go to graduate school. I’ve determined this just now. 一人称叙述文 am going to 前からすると決まってい…

How can I tell if I should use the verbal or adjectival usage of a past participle?

Are the following two sentences grammatically correct? (1) You have currently been placed on a waiting list.(2) More people are currently displaced within their own countries than ever recorded before due to conflict. What determines the p…

The balance between individual freedom and public welfare

Public welfare is not merely a concessional legal term to tolerate restricting individual freedom.One of the judicial body’s roles is to strike the balance between individual freedom and public welfare to maximize people’s human rights, su…


Are these Chinese sentences grammatically correct? 我们来自卫社保吧!我們來自衛社保吧! 自卫队员有没有社保?自衛隊員有沒有社保? 你要不要对自卫队员的社保?你要不要對自衛隊員的社保? 我的工作是自卫社保。我的工作是自衛社保。

What is pacifism?

The mission of pacifism is to keep people’s human rights from the misery in the battlefield or under the undue occupation. Nothing less than the proactive pacifism is pacifism! 平和主義とは、人々の人権を戦闘や不当な支配による惨めさから守る…

Liberalism and welfarism are competing each other for more human rights in pursuit of happiness!

I’ve learned a new word “welfarism.” As the Japanese Constitution’s primary end is to promote human rights, liberalism and welfarism are competing each other all the time around politics. Now I know that “public welfare” is not always a ne…

Is “public wefare” something to be promoted or a concessional legal term?

As I search for "public welfare" on Twitter, sooo many Indian posts are coming up saying Prime Minister Modi is PROMOTING PUBLIC WELFARE. It's hilarious because, in Japan, "on the ground of public welfare" is used only in the context that …

Government led compulsory social insurance is against the philosophy of contract based liberalism.

Contract-based insurance goes along better with the philosophy of liberalism in comparison to national government led compulsory social insurance programs that covers, for instance, public health and labor insurance and pension. Why does l…

Why is the Northern Indian especially polluted among wheat producing regions in the world?

The largest cause of air pollution in India is post-harvest wheat crop burning in rural areas. I wonder where the wheat crop after harvest go in the US and Canada where wheat is the main crop and the air pollution is less severe than in In…

書き込み式 ネイティブが頻繁に使う120の句動詞で英語を使いこなす!

I’m starting to see how badly I stick out because I count on single word expressions of Latin origin while reading this book on phrasal verbs. I’m also waking up to the fact that I can’t catch on to English movies and baseball commentary b…

Universal Health Insurance System nullifies private health insurance.

医療費がめちゃくちゃ高い時、社会保険の健康保険が高額療養費がほぼ丸抱えで、自己負担額はたったの1%分だけで済むのに、民間の医療保険に入る意味が分からない。どれだけ高い薬で生きながらえるつもりやろうか。 Private health insurance is useless in J…

3 types of nominal modifications about past events

Korean has 3 types of nominal modifications about past events; (1) -ㄴ, (2) -았/었던 and (3) -던. (1) -ㄴ is used when the result of the action persists until now or when you are objectively talking about a past event.그는 잡은 손을 결코 …

iPS technology availed same-sex couples to have genetical progeny for both.

Maayong balita! Good news to those who wish to marry a same sex person. You can have genetical daughters by producing ova from men or sperms from women with the state-of-art iPS technology. There remains moral skepticism to be resolved. As…


현대 한국어나 일본어 고문은 윗 분에게는 존댓말을 써야 되는 절대경어를 쓰는 언어입니다. 현대 일본어는 윗 분에게도 존댓말을 쓰지만 자기가 소속된 집단 밖 사람에게는 존댓말을 쓰고 자기가 소속된 집단 안의 윗 분에 대해 자기가 소속된 집단 밖 사람…

have something to someoneはgive something to someoneやpass something to someone, send something to someoneとどう違う?

No elements in WILL HAVE SOMETHING TO SOMEBODY BY TIME can be done without as in (1) I’ll have the invoice to you by the end of this month.” All of these elements are a set phrase. It’s different from similar sentence structures with “give…