Why is the Northern Indian especially polluted among wheat producing regions in the world?

The largest cause of air pollution in India is post-harvest wheat crop burning in rural areas. I wonder where the wheat crop after harvest go in the US and Canada where wheat is the main crop and the air pollution is less severe than in India. I'll ask chatGPT!

In the US and Canada, post-harvest wheat crop residue management practices vary depending on factors such as farm size, location, climate, and government regulations. Unlike in India where crop burning is a common practice due to various reasons including economic factors and lack of alternatives, there are stricter regulations and better infrastructure for crop residue management in North America.

Crop Residue Utilization: In North America, farmers often utilize crop residues for various purposes such as animal feed, bedding, composting, or as a source of biomass for energy production. Crop residues like wheat straw can be baled and used as feedstock for bioenergy facilities or as bedding for livestock.
Tillage and Incorporation: Many farmers in the US and Canada incorporate crop residues back into the soil through tillage practices. This helps improve soil health, retain moisture, and reduce erosion. Conservation tillage practices, such as no-till or reduced tillage, are increasingly popular and help retain more crop residues on the field surface.
Cover Crops: Some farmers plant cover crops after harvesting wheat to cover the soil and reduce erosion. These cover crops can also help scavenge nutrients and improve soil health. When cover crops are terminated before planting the next cash crop, the residue becomes part of the soil organic matter.
Government Regulations and Incentives: Both the US and Canada have regulations in place to discourage open burning of crop residues due to its environmental and health impacts. Additionally, there may be incentives or subsidies for adopting practices that reduce or eliminate crop residue burning.
Overall, while crop residue management practices in North America may vary, there is generally less reliance on open burning compared to countries like India. Instead, there's a focus on sustainable practices that not only mitigate air pollution but also improve soil health and agricultural sustainability.

