書き込み式 ネイティブが頻繁に使う120の句動詞で英語を使いこなす!

I’m starting to see how badly I stick out because I count on single word expressions of Latin origin while reading this book on phrasal verbs. I’m also waking up to the fact that I can’t catch on to English movies and baseball commentary because my active vocabulary is lopsided towards single word expressions. I can’t wait to break in phrasal verbs going by this book! I’ve got it out of this book that “but the very next day, you gave it away” meant that his love last year gossiped around about his confession. Am I effectively getting through to you? If you see any unnatural expression, I’d be happy to hear from you!


書き込み式 ネイティブが頻繁に使う120の句動詞で英語を使いこなす! https://amzn.asia/d/2idRYY1